This is the new version of the Profile Frame Creator.I have updated the project to React and TypeScript.Also made it all super pretty!The code is located at: it isn’t release 2.0 it is actually 1.1.0) You need to enable JavaScript to run this app.
Tag: Politics
Profile Frame Creator
I wanted to support Ukraine and do the add a frame on my profile picture.I then saw that Facebook is no longer letting people upload their own custom frames because of false information and stuff.People can manually create a new profile picture with a frame but not everyone knows how to do this.So I created …
The Debt Ceiling
Oh my goodness, we are doing this debt ceiling BS again? Okay… there is so much deliberate misinformation of the debt ceiling such that it is difficult to know what it is. So let me try to clarify it. The debt ceiling is a horrible name. The way the government (and quite frankly most companies) …
Transphobia at the Library 2
Transgender women are women, Transgender men are men, Non binary people are valid. These are the things that the Women’s Liberation Front is arguing against. We don’t argue the humanity of black people, we don’t argue women’s right to vote, we don’t argue gay people’s right to marriage. So then why are we allowing this …
Transphobia at the Library
I would like to talk about the event on February the First where the Women’s Liberation Front is coming to argue against the rights of transgender people to live as their authentic selves. This event is extremely problematic as it takes transgender people, a protected class within Washington State Law and debates the humanity of …